When is a Child Too Old For a High Chair

When is a child too old for using a high chair Many children even when they are at the ideal age for using a high chair, hate to use it. Every child is unique in their own ways and would have their likes and dislikes. It is medically proven...

How To Remove Mold From Rubber Seal On Water Bottle

Nowadays there are so many kinds of water bottles available in the market. People use bottles according to their needs and choices, but it’s definitely used by all. The most common types of water bottles being used today are all reusable. The bottle can be used on a daily...

How to Keep Tortilla Chips Fresh

Keeping tortilla chips fresh In several parts of the world, tortillas are also known as corn tortillas for obvious reasons. But many wouldn’t what actually a tortilla is- well it’s a lean, unleavened flatbread which is prepared from hominy. Hominy is the food produced from dried corn tortilla. The...

13 month old not talking

From the very moment a child is born, the parents start worrying about their child. This is mostly not their fault as it happens due to pure affection. From the very first month, parents eagerly wait for the time when their child would start speaking. At what age should...

How Many Letters Should a 2 Year Old Know

Parents are often worried about their child’s skills and learning development from a very early age. Even they are just two years old and figuring out their way around the house they are slowly introduced to topics that involve remembrance and creativity in some form. The very first memory...

When To Switch From Baby Shampoo To Kid Shampoo

Every mother tries her best to use only baby products for their child in the first few years. The oil, shampoo, powder, soap, and even toothpaste nowadays are found in the baby category. Every baby product no matter what is made especially to suit the needs of a child.You...