How To Make Tap Water Taste Better

The omnipresent tap water plays a huge role in everyone’s life. It is hard to imagine life in the city without that tap always ready to serve you freshwater. The constant availability of water and the mode of using it through a tap is a huge relief for any house. From the start of the morning by teeth brushing to doing the night dishes, tap water is needed by every single day and in plenty.

When thought about its drinking perspective, tap water might be as important as clothes to many. Every now and then members of the house would take a glass of tap water to drink. Not every house uses a filter or other modes of drinking water. In most states tap water is safe and clean enough to drink directly without further purification process.

On average a human needs around 2 liters of water every day to drink for a healthy body. But many people avoid tap water due to their past experience with it. Several people have the notion that tap water tastes bitter and even has an offsetting smell.

They are not wrong as there can be several reasons for which tap water can taste weird and even have an unpleasant odor. This leads to people questioning often how to make tap water taste better. Oftentimes these ill features of your tap water can be easily removed. It is important to know the reasons behind such tap water and the process to get rid of it.

A beverage made from water and just one or two ingredients
A beverage made from water and just one or two ingredients

Common reasons behind the bad taste

When the tap water tastes weird it not only affects the drinking perspective but the other daily uses of water as well. When you are washing your mouth or using the water in cooking, if the tap water has strange characteristics it would definitely affect your meals and your mouth. It is essential to get this fixed by first identifying the cause.

Experts suggest that if the water tastes bitter that means there is a high concentration of dissolved solids also chemically known as TDS.  The other common reason for bitter taste is a corroded copper pipeline system which happens due to the old age of the system. The bright side is that a reverse osmosis filter can change to water in taste and no change of pipeline will be needed.

The other common issue in taste and smell is the chlorine influence. The water supply department in all cities uses chlorine in the supply water as the chlorine acts as a disinfectant and keeps the supply process hygienic. The amount of chlorine that reaches your tap water will be unharmful for you yet it would have the strength to change the taste of water.

This issue can be easily solved as well by a carbon water filter. Many people might be able to relate when someone asks them if their taste feels like metal or not. This metal-like taste occurs due to the presence of zinc, magnesium, and even iron in high amounts. In a long-term presence, these metal components can also cause damage to water pipes.

Many houses have tap water that tastes peculiarly salty. This kind of tap water is also not so uncommon as owners think. This happens when the water has chloride ions present in excess. This is very likely in coastal areas but may happen in other parts as well. Other than the ions, when sulfates get along with the water supply the same result might happen. Sulfates are present in the soil and are very common if the water supply gets caught by them. Just an orthodox reverse osmosis filter will solve the problem. Nowadays almost all reputed brands of filters have this technology in them.

 Suggestions from water sommeliers

Among all the rare professions in the world, being a sommelier ranks very high on the list. Many wouldn’t know but a sommelier is an expert in water tasting. As a wine taster would tell a lot of qualities of the wine from just one sip, a sommelier does the same but with water. A sommelier can analyze unfiltered water like your house’s tap water and depict several characteristics about it. They are also able to solve your problem of how to make tap water taste better.

One of the world’s first water sommeliers named Martin Reise explains in an interview how you can transform your same weird tasting water into something amazing. Reise suggests that often the offsetting taste has its reasons in the water supply, so it’s important to analyze those possibilities first.

The expert also pointed out for LA residents that if they are getting a chlorine taste in their tap water then a lot of other citizens are getting it too. Reise suggests from his expertise the most simple way to get rid of that chlorine effect.

He suggests that if the glass of water is kept in the fridge for sometimes the chlorine taste would disappear on its own. If still, the effect remains the expert sommelier has suggested using a filter pitcher. If you had always thought of having a water cocktail then you can surely make one for yourself with your weird tap water yours. The items to add as mentioned are very common:

·      Ginger

·      Himalayan sea salt-only one or two grains

·      Orange peels

·      Some cucumber

·      Add some jalapeno after stirring the and only as of the last item

It is time to share some part of Reise’s passion for water and make some awesome beverages out of it. Most people don’t drink enough water in a day mainly because it’s too dull in taste. Many would just prefer coke to a glass of water, but that is just more dehydrating for your body.

Expert sommelier Martin Reise in action for tasting out water
Expert sommelier Martin Reise in action for tasting out water

The smart approach to flavoring

As the water statistics have shown, that almost half the population of the US remains dehydrated for most days. Some statistics have even-numbered the dehydrated ones at seventy-five percent of the total humans. As the trend suggests, the numbers are not much different in other leading countries too.

Many countries are experiencing more temperature and heat every year in few states. This means more water needs to be consumed for people to remain in good health and less medical troubles. Many behavior experts suggest that every human can solve this problem by making a glass of tap water more attractive to our cravings. Changing the taste should definitely increase your daily water intake and in turn, keep you shining with health.

As stated by it doesn’t take extravagant syrups or costly flavor extracts to make your regular tap water taste like a bartender’s beverage. The suggestion is the most cost-effective way of changing your daily water intake amount. The trick is to just browse through the kitchen items like fruits and spices, even vegetables have excellent options to say goodbye to the strange tap water. For herb lovers, a pinch of their favorite herb and stirring the glass can be of great effect. Water has an amazing tendency to absorb flavors, so doing it yourself will be a smooth walk.

By adding a grapefruit peel of an orange peel can help in balancing the salty tap water or the chlorine-ridden one. Not everyone would prefer the same taste so experts suggest choosing only the ingredients that the consumer doesn’t hate. Sometimes mixing two ingredients is also a good idea. But mixing ingredients from the same category won’t turn pleasant in most cases. For example, if you add an apple peel and then add some ginger spice then it would be a good fit. If adding peels of pear or apple together then it wouldn’t be a good combination as belonging to the same category of fruits section.

Blogs suggest to not directly throw away the strawberry tops or lemon halves after squeezing. Adding a lemon half or strawberry top have still enough in them to make a wonderful glass of tap water. The other splendid options for ingredients can be as following:

·       A raspberry branch

·      Herb stem

·      Cinnamon

·      Vanilla bean

·      Fennel fronds

·      Tamarind

Besides these options there exist several options from your daily used fruit and veggies section to use as flavoring extracts in the tap water. But having some patience in this taste improving hustle is required. If you add some ingredients and immediately stir it following a quick gulp then this process wouldn’t work out much. Time is a vital factor in improving the taste by slow mixing of flavors.

The refusal of water urge

It can be asserted that everyone knows how important it is to drink water insufficient amount. They are all aware of the health problems dehydration brings into the lives of healthy human beings and still, everyone seems to just keep reducing their daily intake of water. One vital reflex that we have in our body is the sensation of thirst. It reminds us, again and again, to consume freshwater.

This need is getting sabotaged when most people are choosing water-like substitutes instead of actual water. Nowadays there are so many substitutes in the market like coke, beer, juice, soda, and even coffee. It has been medically proven that alcoholic beverages and even adultered juices instead of hydrating the body only give a temporary sensation of hydration which makes us consume it even more in quantity to satisfy our thirst.

If in your house you are having tap water that either tastes salty, bitter, chlorine-like, or metal induced then your natural tendency would generally be to avoid it as much as you can. Nobody likes to consume items that taste bad repeatedly throughout the day.

This is one of the basic reasons for avoiding water. Many have the notion in their mind that all tap waters would taste just like the one in their home, but that is not true. The other reason for cautious avoidance is the furious price of package drinking water. The bottles would often come branded bearing a price very similar to fancy beverage, due to this reason often people don’t drink water when on the street.

A simple water beverage on a picturesque display using spices
A simple water beverage on a picturesque display using spices

Some additional hints on water beverages

When you will analyze the whole drinking water situation all over the states you will realize that getting your tap water fixed will be the best option. In this case, a combination of entities will be exceedingly beneficial. If you get a filter and then learn to make easy water beverages from it, life would be so much fun.

As already mentioned above there are several easy ways to query how to make tap water taste better. Here are some more hints to try out while making water beverages:

  •  Adding clean and freshly found mint leaves
  • Using an infused water pitcher to help in the process
  • Making ice cubes of healthy juices and adding them into the tap water whenever you need
  • Using a combination of lime, lemon, and salt in the tap water
  •  Adding a whole strawberry half and then let it sit for a while


Drinking water daily in a sufficient quantity should be the ideal goal. The weird tastes and smell of tap water might be ruining that goal for many but there are ways to make things right. The techniques to make tap water taste better by removing its cons should be greatly put into action. There is not even extra expenditure in the process just using something from your regular kitchen does the trick. Water beverages should be tried out by everyone as they will improve your life in many ways.


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