Category: Parenting

Do You Need a Baby Changing Bag? Exploring the Pros and Cons for Young Moms

Introduction: Embarking on the journey of motherhood is both thrilling and transformative, especially for young moms aged between 19-28 years. Amidst the joy, a myriad of responsibilities arises, including being prepared for on-the-go baby care. One crucial item often in consideration is the baby changing bag. Let’s dive into...

The Crucial List of Punishment for Teenagers to Avoid .

The Crucial List of Punishment for Teenagers to Avoid When your child enters the teenage phase, your parenting also reaches a new parenting stage where discipline and rules should alter too. First of all, this needs to be said clearly and outloud that Physical Punishments and Beatings shouldn’t be...

Top Remote Work Roles that perfectly Fit Women during their Pregnancy…

Top Remote Work Roles that perfectly Fit Women during their Pregnancy Only pregnant women can understand how difficult daily activities get during pregnancy. Even fetching yourself a glass of water can get super-difficult. What pregnant women need in this nine-month phase is care and rest. But for the Indian...

The Top 5 Baby Shower Detailed Ideas for Girls [Only Low Budget Ones!

The Top 5 Baby Shower Detailed Ideas for Girls [Only Low Budget Ones!] Planning a Baby Shower is a damn Biggg Responsibility! There can be no arguments about it. Most often the To-be-Parents do not have the knowledge themselves of whether it’s a boy or a girl.  This means...

What Are The Necessities of A Teenager

A Teenager or teen is someone who aged between 13 and 19 years old. During that stage, they change emotionally and physically. They are told to act more mature but at the same time they feel like they are treated like kids. The truth is that being a teenager...

How To Get a Toddler To Sleep

A toddler’s cycle can be disrupted by the massive changes they’re experiencing. They’re attempting to become more self-sufficient, yet they still rely on their parents for support and reassurance. There are times when getting children to sleep peacefully is a challenge. Ways on how to put a toddler to...

What to do if toddler only eats sweet food

What to do if toddler only eats sweet food Parents often face this problem of their toddler always asking for something sweet to eat. It is fine to give a chocolate or sweet juice two or three times, but if the toddler refuses to eat anything else then the...

Can Blueberries Cause Diarrhoea In Toddlers ?

Can Blueberries Cause Diarrhoea In Toddlers ? Where the child reaches the toddler phase, parents are seen to be often confused about what to give and what not to. Some parents like to allot the same food made for adults in the house to the toddler and that is...

Why toddler is not interested in books

Why toddler is not interested in books Reading to your lovely toddler will be something that you will just be severely fond of doing. The curious eyes and the adorable expression a toddler makes while reading or either when you are reading loudly will just be an amazing feeling...